We are SCRFU.
What We’re All About
As one might suspect the history of SCRFU is aligned with Hollywood! It has been stated in all of the histories we can find that the first President of SCRFU was the famous horror movie star Boris Karloff, an ex-partite from good old England. It is also reported that our first fundraising efforts in 1936 before officially becoming SCRFU, to raise $10,000 for hosting a tour of Oxford University here, was accomplished by working the Hollywood friends of Boris. Unfortunately, the Treasurer absconded with the funds and the tour didn’t happen, though Boris apparently made good on the loss to his benevolent friends who had loaned the money to support the tour. The incident apparently led to the incorporation of SCRFU in 1937 with Boris as the President. With this crazy beginning, we became the wonderful power that we are today with less famous administrators.